Erin Sarris is a Chicago-based writer and author of "Cupcakes Everywhere: One Sweet Tale of Overcoming Infertility."

Readers say:

“This book has been written at a critical juncture. It  is a wonderful contribution to our field.” - Dr. Brian Kaplan, reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Centers of Illinois

“So incredibly original.  Is it weird that I got teary when reading it? This reflected my experience 100%.” - Casey F, infertility mom

“I just reread your book… It’s freaking amazing. I can’t wait to give it to so many people.” - Loretta V, IVF mom-to-be

Hi! I’m Erin, but most people call me "E." I’m a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, cousin and digital marketer by day.

In 2014, when infertility said, “CHALLENGE,” I said, “ACCEPTED.”

Oh wait, that’s not really what happened. I wallowed, moped, struggled with feelings of hopelessness and low self-worth that persisted for years as we muddled through a series of escalating infertility treatments, including oral medications, injectables, IUI and ultimately, several rounds of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, all of my kids arrived in quick succession. Our twin daughters were born in 2017, and then two years later we had the surprise of our life when our son spontaneously pulled up a chair at the dinner table we so thoughtfully and naively set for four people. This party of five has been keeping me very busy – and feeling very lucky – ever since.

My literal happy place is at home with my family and a fresh paperback. My figurative happy place involves connecting with others and turning little kernels of ideas into writing and content that informs, validates and empathizes with our collective human experiences. That was what ultimately inspired my first children’s picture book, "Cupcakes Everywhere: One Sweet Tale of Overcoming Infertility," which was published by Wisdom House Books in 2024.

In addition to motherhood after infertility, some of the other things I think and write about a lot include meditation, fintech, late capitalism and astrology.

I believe – full stop – that anybody who wants to be a parent should have the option, just as I believe that anyone who isn’t ready shouldn’t be forced to. I donate a portion of all royalties from my book to RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, and to Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

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